Restore Omaha Volunteers are needed

Our 2013 Conference and Reception are literally around the corner. I am continuing to schedule volunteers for both the Friday, March 1st reception, being held at the newly-renovated Scottish Rite building and our Saturday conference, March 2nd at Metropolitan Community College South Omaha Campus. I am scheduling two to three shifts (3-4 hours) for each event. Friday evening 6:00 and 8:30 shifts and Saturday from 7:30 or 8:00 A.M. through our deconstruction; exact details will follow.
Our reception volunteers may be asked to direct patrons with parking, sign them
in and guide them as they tour the Scottish Rite building. Our Saturday volunteers
are needed to set up and serve food, sign in attendees, assist vendors with set up,
direct attendees to and from break-out sessions, proctor the sessions and help with tear-down at the end of the day.
As usual, those volunteering will be invited to attend the remainder of the conference for free. Please call me at 712-322-1448 or email with questions!
Restore Omaha needs people to talk about their projects for the “Restoration JAM!” at the close of the conference.“Five minutes, five photos” and they receive a free conference admission.

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