2017 Fairmount Park Block Party

Photos by Kyle Muschall

Folks begin to gather for the Fairmount Park Neighborhood Association 2017 Block Party. From Left : Melva Wood, Terri Dowell, Rob Hoag, Karl Allen (seated), Dave Huggins and Marie Huggins


Andre Vandervelde tunes his guitar in preparation for the event


Mark Hansen and Wayne Wood have a chat while Shari Hansen preps the rest of the tables for our guests. Melva and Karl are catching up.


An audible is called and the decision is to move the tables out of the sun. Terri and Steve Beck shoulder the last one over


A quick check and the table is placed comfortably in the shade


Neighbors catch up before the food is served. From Left: Melva Wood, Richard Caughlan, Amy Dixon, Wayne Wood


Andre favors the crowd with his talented music and original songs


Dave Huggins chats with Morgan Wade from the 712 Initiative about our Block Party being one of a hundred block parties encouraged to take place as part of the city’s summer activities. This day was also the National Neighbors Night Out


Michelle Mutchler-Burns Chats with Dan Borgalia about his movie projection business. Neighbors were encouraged to set up tables to promote their businesses and events


The crowd starts to build as the buffet tables are set up. From Left: Sharon Babbitt, Marie Huggins, Terri Dowell, Lynne Branigan, John Huggins, Steve Beck, Melissa Head. In the background Wayne and Melva start to make their way to the tables while Morgan and Shari chat about the great turn out.


Karl hands out free polarized glasses to the kids for the pending Solar Eclipse later in August


We have four legged attendees as well. Melissa’s pooch Sadie decides to take in some sun


Jonathan Hansen and AJ Vandervelde finish off the last of the 100 water balloons


Miles Vandervelde take a swing at a pick up game of whiffle ball


Lisa Hoffman (at Right) and her daughter sit down to their meal while Morgan and Sharon talk about neighborhood upcoming events


Grub is officially on and Jon and Maureen Garrigan lead the charge


Everyone pitched in to bring side dishes to go with the fried chicken and drinks provided the the Fairmount Park Neighborhood Association


Folks make their way thru the line while Karl goes back for some utensils


Lynne and Michelle have a quick chat before Lynne starts her presentation


Lynne shares with the group the plans for the Dream Land Playground. A revitalization project for the kids


Lynne shares the details of volunteer opportunities with the Dream Playground scheduled for May of 2018. This is a revitalization and re-imagining of the playground from the 1993 build at Lake Manawa


A great turn out for our 2017 Block Party. Moving the tables into the shade was a boss call so everyone could relax and catch up


For the location of the event we blocked off High School Avenue between Park and Glen. It was a central location for the gathering


Sheryl Garst, at right, shares upcoming events, and some swag, from the 712 Initiative with (From Left) George Scott, Jon Garrigan, Anita Stocks and Maureen Garrigan


Cindy Muschall greets our second four legged patron


Niece Mallory Huggins chats with her uncle John while Greg Myers and Richard catch up in the background


Andre takes a break from playing to eat some dinner with wife Melissa and daughters Lilly and Hailey


Tatum can’t resist giving some affection to another pooch who stopped by for the event


Dan and Sheryl discuss upcoming events while Dan’s daughter and Dave finish off their meals


A closing shot of our 2017 Fairmount Park Neighborhood Association Block Party. We’d like to thank everyone who organized, attended and enjoyed themselves to make this special event happen.