Here’s the newspaper writeup on my house at 163 Glen Ave from last Sunday’s Nonpareil:
The History We Live In: Ernest and Ethel Peet home, 163 Glen Ave
If you skip through all the “begats” in the first column and start at the bottom of the second column, the story of “Peet’s Feed” is the interesting part. Most of us Beck kids delivered the Nonpareil to Ethel Peet at my current address. She was Vice President of Peet’s Feed, which her husband started in 1916. Ethel Peet lived in my house until she died in 1979. Her last will and testament is listed in my abstract — pages and pages of all the farms she owned. Total value of estate — $5.3 million.
Here’s a photo of an old postcard: Peet Mfg. Co. Postcard
And here’s a 1945 ad for E.M. Peet Mfg: Peet Mfg. 1945 Ad
I’m going to check with the Dodge House to see if they still have Ethel’s huge bell collection, which used to hang in the middle of my large mahogany showcase. When I moved into the house, the bells were gone, but the remains of a huge cloth-covered cable was still at the top of the showcase. According to my neighbor, all those wires were used to ring all the bells and supposedly she had some of them rigged up to the doorbell.
Steve Beck
163 Glen Avenue