FPNA Food and Clothing Drive

I want to relate how well the June FPNA Food and Clothing Drive went for the Care and Share House on 600 Main Street. We collected numerous items from all over the neighborhood on two separate Saturdays. I want to personally thank Andre and Melissa Vandervelde (328 Glen Avenue) they donated three large garbage sacks full of clothes and shoes. That was very much appreciated.
We ended up with four large boxes of clothing and three medium boxes of food for the Care and Share house that we dropped off in early July. Margarite Goodenow, who owns the building and is a board member of the Care and Share program run by the United Methodist Church, received the donations and gave us a tour of the facility and related all the programs that they offer.
We were all immensely impressed at the dedication and determination that the Care and Share house consistently shows in providing food and clothing to those that are in need. The Care and Share house maintains a full food pantry as part of their program and the food that is donated by individuals and organizations like the FPNA is intended to supplement the food pantry offering. They also have an area where all the clothes, shoes, furniture and house hold items are displayed for purchase by individuals and families during store hours.
I want to thank everyone who donated this year. You seized this opportunity and chose to give back which will make a difference to folks right here within our community.

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